The BIG question... (Updated)

 (Originally wrote on January 19th, 2019)


My wife said she was asking as my best friend, as someone who wants me to be who I am. Would i be happier living as V?  I denied it a few times, and honestly I still don’t know if I do. What I do know is that there are definitely times when I want nothing more than that. It’s not all the time. But it’s frequent enough to make me seriously think about it.

“You don’t have to answer now. Just think about it.” She said it not as an ultimatum, so much as a tapering of expectations. If I were to answer yes and begin the process of transitioning, could she be okay essentially being with a woman? (Questions like that.)

I’ve been thinking about it all day. Imagining how it would feel and how much everything would change. The very honest answer is I don’t know. If there were a third option and I could be a woman at a flip of a switch and then go back to the man by doing the same thing… well that would be the preference.

Right now V is episodic. I do my makeup, put in my forms, sometimes using a countour kit to make it look like I have the kind of chest dimensions I’ve always imagined V would have. Of course, when the episode is over, she gets taken off and put away again. And I’m okay with that. I’m okay going back to the man default. I can’t help but wonder if it’s comparable to that feeling you get on the way home from vacation: back to the routine you know. It’s familiar, sure, but does that make it better?

Becoming V permanently almost feels like never coming home, like I’d have done that thing everyone proposes when on vacation: let’s stay on vacation forever!

(Update since this post was originally written)

It's been a few months since I answered the BIG question. How my wife and I are handling it are by starting our relationship over in many ways. Because Vaela is still a different person from Nathan, we are essentially dating again. There are small moments of passion and attraction but it's still a careful thing. Right now we're more focusing on creating a new bond. She's not attracted to women but she does love me as her soulmate and is willing to try to meet me where I'm at and let our relationship evolve and grow. We're hopeful it can work. 

As for my daughters (ages 5 and 2) I've gradually started incorporating more feminine clothing and some makeup into my daily wardrobe. We haven't fully told them that daddy is going to transition to a woman yet but we're setting the stage for it. What I've found so far is total acceptance from them, my little bright lights. My oldest even wants to wear tops that match the colors of mine. Children show love without condition so effortlessly. It never ceases to amaze me.

When my wife originally asked me that question, I was convinced it could never truly enter the equation. I'm much more excited for the future now that it has!


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